09-25-2023, 11:00 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-12-2024, 11:21 AM by Astasoftlab.)
Event Period [25 September 2023 - 2 October 2023]
Enter the realm of myth in Lineage 2, where the legends of deities and valorous champions resound across the epochs. Art thou acquainted with the lore that unites our domain? Canst thou spin a narrative that rivals the epic sagas of the divine?
Astasoftlab has prepared a forum event "Did You Know?" for all valid participants
Event Mechanism:
1. No minimum level requirement for this events
2. Participants must post a thread on "Fan art, video, Screenshot" sub-forum
3. Thread must consist an image/picture/screenshot of the figure of the story
4. Each Thread represent One Forum account and also One Game Account
5. The story of this event are about the 7 Deities of Lineage 2
6. You have to choose 1 of 7 deity and write an original story with your own style (non-plagiarism)
7. Astasoftlab have the right to disqualify participants thread if found a breach of rules
8. All posted thread on this event are deemed as Astasoftlab property
9. Make sure your thread are readable and unique
Terms and Conditions:
- All Participant will get 4.000 L-coins
- Participant does not use 3rd party applications
- Have a good behavior either in game or in the forum
- Astasoftlab's decision is absolute and cannot be contested
- By participating you submit to all the Terms and conditions
![[Image: Signature-Forum-marketing.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co.com/w6PrGb4/Signature-Forum-marketing.jpg)